Payson Preschool For All has scheduled a developmental screening for all preschool aged children in the district on Friday, February 3, 2023. The screening includes motor, cognitive and language skills. Hearing and vision will also be part of the screening. Children need to be three by February 1, 2023 and not already enrolled in Pre-K. Call 217-656-3439 or stop by the grade school office to schedule an appointment and pick up a packet. Please fill out the packet and bring that and a certified copy of your child's birth certificate and proof of income with you to the screening.
Please click on the link below:
Click on the link below for the Dec 16 livestream of the basketball game and Hall of Fame ceremony.
Click on the link below for the Dec 13 livestream.
Link for tonight's livestream
Congratulations to Mrs. Germann, Mrs. Barry and Ms. Phelan, who completed their work with the National Institute of School Leadership. Their work with the cohort began in June of 2019. NISL, which is sponsored by the Tracy Foundation, prepares school leaders to create and lead high-performance organizations, improve instruction, leverage data-driven decision making, improve student and school culture, and focus on equity.