2023 Homecoming Week Dress-Up Days
JH/HS and Elementary--Pajama Day
JH/HS and Elementary--America Day
JH/HS--Opposite Day
Elementary--Inside Out Day
JH/HS--Dress as a game show host
Elementary--Dress as your favorite book or tv show character
JH/HS and Elementary--Payson Pride (Crazy Blue and White)
Art pieces created by Maryn Kasza (Senior) and Maddie Bradshaw (Junior) were chosen to be a part of The Quincy Art Center's 49th Annual High School Student Art Competition Exhibit. With nearly 400 entries, only 100 pieces were selected representing approximately 18 local area high schools. The exhibit will be open for free public viewing from now until February 22nd at The Quincy Art Center. Congratulations to Maryn and Maddie!
7th Grade Basketball Regional @Griggsville-Perry Middle School
Saturday, January 21st
Game 1-Southeastern vs Pleasant Hill @10
Game 2-Griggsville-Perry vs Payson @11:15
Tuesday, January 24th
Game 3-Southeastern vs Griggsville-Perry @6
8th Grade Basketball Regional @Griggsville-Perry Middle School
Saturday, January 28th
Game 1-Griggsville-Perry vs Southeastern @10
Game 2-Pleasant Hill vs Payson @11:15
Wednesday, February 1st
Game 3-Winner Game 1 vs Winner Game 2 @6
OPEN HANDS MOBILE FOOD PANTRY--You must register by January 25, 2023
When: Saturday, January 28, 2023
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Where: Payson Elementary School
To register: Please contact the Lutheran Church of St Johns
Marilyn Humphrey 217-222-8579
Secretary, Lutheran Church of St. John, Quincy, IL
Please click here for a form. Forms are due January 23.
Hosted by Payson Dance Team and Coach Newcombe
Invitation open to Payson students Pre-K through 6th grade
Cost: $25.00 (cost includes: Camp Fee, Camp T-shirt, Camp Snack)
Dance Camp Practice to Learn Dance
WHEN: Monday, February 6, after school dismissal, from 3:05 to 5:00 PM at the high school. Dance team members will be at the grade school at dismissal time to meet your child and walk the elementary dance students to the high school to learn the dance routine.
Dance Performance at the Basketball Game
WHEN: Tuesday February 7, at the halftime of the Junior Varsity game in the high school gym. Elementary dancers will need to arrive promptly at 5:30 PM.