FFA will be sponsoring a chil cook off and labor auction on Feb 23. Please follow the links for more info.
The drama club is hosting a maid-rite dinner at 5:00. Cost is $6 and includes maid-rite, baked beans, potato salad, dessert and drink.
Feb 18: Brown County vs Unity (6:00) and Liberty vs Southeastern (7:30);
Feb 19: Central vs Unity (7:00);
Feb 20: Payson vs Liberty (7:00);
Feb 22: Regional Championship (7:00)
Please follow the link for the porkchop dinner and other food options and pricing for the volleyball dinner.
The meal is sponsored by the basketball team. It consists of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, dessert and drink for $7.
In an effort to gain community input on the possibility of naming our facilities, please complete the survey linked below. All surveys need to be completed before noon on February 15, 2019. If you have any additional questions, please contact Donna Veile at 217-656-3323.