*Lunch for Mon, Feb 28 is flapjack stix, hashbrown cubes, mini muffins & fruit
*Congratulations to our current 8th graders. Last year, as 7th graders, they met the incentive for ISAT testing. They will be given pizza for lunch today.
*Baseball practice will start today at 5:30 in the MPR.
*ISAT testing starts tomorrow
*Books are available in the library for: Harlee Flesner, JB Sohn, JD Church, Ben Wellman, Ashley Smith, Jody Steffen, Donnie Collins, Sarah Woodworth
*Anyone who has not paid their minimum class dues (Sr-$100, Jr-$75, Soph-$50, Fr-$25) by March 1 will not be eligible to attend Prom this year.
*Weightlifting for this week will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
*Congratulations to Chase Mast who broke the school record for bench in his weight class
*Sophomore class shirts will be $13.00. If you have ordered one, please pick it up from Mr. Smith.
*A reminder to all Sophomores to bring in your signed permission slip for the March 8th Career Fair at JWCC.
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*Students Council members--don't forget to turn in your officer applications to Mrs. Rosenkrans. They are in her room. Also, don't forget to bring in your toppings for the ice cream social
*The following students still owe Kendra $9.00 for their state shirt--Courtney Grimsley, Aaron Rogers
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*Sophomores--The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Gage Ruths, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
Dates -
- The Homecoming Dance is Sat, March 5.
- JH Dance has been rescheduled for Fri, March 18 from 7-10 pm in the MPR.
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*QND is holding their 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 19 at QU. Entry forms are available in the office and are due Fri, March 4.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.
*Lunch for Fri, Feb 25 is pizza, tossed salad, oatmeal cookie & fruit
*HS Cheer will meet in the library during lunch today. Please get your lunch first.
*Baseball practice will start on Monday at 5:30 in the MPR.
*Books are available in the library for: Harlee Flesner, JB Sohn, JD Church, Ben Wellman, Ashley Smith, Jody Steffen, Donnie Collins, Sarah Woodworth
*Congratulations to Chase Mast who broke the school record for bench in his weight class
*Sophomore class shirts will be $13.00. If you have ordered one, please pick it up from Mr. Smith.
*IGSMA Solo and Ensemble will be held tomorrow in Quincy at Baldwin School. Students need to turn their sheets in if they are riding the bus there and back. Bus time is 7:05 at the High School. Students not riding back on the bus must have their parent sign them out. Please dress nicely and be prepared with your original music to give the judge.
*Weightlifting for next week will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
*Congratulations to our current 8th graders. Last year, as 7th graders, they met the incentive for ISAT testing. They will be given pizza for lunch on Monday, Feb. 28.
*Anyone who has not paid their minimum class dues (Sr-$100, Jr-$75, Soph-$50, Fr-$25) by March 1 will not be eligible to attend Prom this year.
*A reminder to all Sophomores to bring in your signed permission slip for the March 8th Career Fair at JWCC.
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*Students Council members--don't forget to turn in your officer applications to Mrs. Rosenkrans. They are in her room. Also, don't forget to bring in your toppings for the ice cream social
*The following students still owe Kendra $9.00 for their state shirt--Courtney Grimsley, Aaron Rogers
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*Sophomores--The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Gage Ruths, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
Dates -
- The Homecoming Dance is Sat, March 5.
- JH Dance has been rescheduled for Fri, March 18 from 7-10 pm in the MPR.
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*Unity's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on March 12. Entry forms are available in the office and are due today.
*QND is holding their 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 19 at QU. Entry forms are available in the office and are due Fri, March 4.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.
*Lunch for Thurs, Feb 24 is corndogs, baked beans, corn chips & fruit
*JH Book Club will meet in the library today during JH Lunch.
*HS Book Club will meet in the library today during HS Lunch.
*JH Volleyball plays at Brown Co tonight at 6:00. Bus at 4:15
*5th/6th Basketball plays at home tonight vs Camp Point Central at 6:00.
*Quiz Bowl has a meet tonight at Warsaw.
*Weightlifting for this week will be tonight. Next week will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
*A reminder to all Sophomores to bring in your signed permission slip for the March 8th Career Fair at JWCC.
*Anyone who has not paid their minimum class dues (Sr-$100, Jr-$75, Soph-$50, Fr-$25) by March 1 will not be eligible to attend Prom this year.
*Students Council members--don't forget to turn in your officer applications to Mrs. Rosenkrans. They are in her room. Also, don't forget to bring in your toppings for the ice cream social
*Congratulations to our current 8th graders. Last year, as 7th graders, they met the incentive for ISAT testing. They will be given pizza for lunch on Monday, Feb. 28.
*IGSMA Solo and Ensemble will be held Sat, Feb 26 in Quincy at Baldwin School. Students need to turn their sheets in if they are riding the bus there and back. Bus time is 7:05 at the High School. Students not riding back on the bus must have their parent sign them out. Please dress nicely and be prepared with your original music to give the judge.
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*The following students still owe Kendra $9.00 for their state shirt--Syeira Smith, Catherine Richards, Courtney Grimsley, Skylar Brown, Aaron Rogers
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*Sophomores--The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Gage Ruths, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
Dates -
- The Homecoming Dance is Sat, March 5.
- JH Dance has been rescheduled for Fri, March 18 from 7-10 pm in the MPR.
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*Unity's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on March 12. Entry forms are available in the office and are due by Feb 25.
*QND is holding their 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 19 at QU. Entry forms are available in the office and are due Fri, March 4.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.
*Lunch for Weds, Feb 23 is salad bar, crackers, garlic stix & fruit.
*If a teacher sees book checking in the hallway, it will be an automatic detention.
*HS students interested in track--there will be a short meeting this morning at 8:00 in the library.
*We will run the meeting schedule today for class meetings. JH students interested in track--there will be an informational meeting in the library today during the meeting time.
*The following students still owe Kendra $9.00 for their state shirt--Syeira Smith, Catherine Richards, Courtney Grimsley, Skylar Brown, Aaron Rogers
*Homecoming shirts are in--please see Dakota Flesner if you ordered one.
*Weightlifting for this week will be on Wednesday and Thursday. Next week will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
*JH Book Club will meet in the library tomorrow during JH Lunch.
*HS Book Club will meet in the library tomorrow during HS Lunch.
*IGSMA Solo and Ensemble will be held Sat, Feb 26 in Quincy at Baldwin School. Students need to turn their sheets in if they are riding the bus there and back. Bus time is 7:05 at the High School. Students not riding back on the bus must have their parent sign them out. Please dress nicely and be prepared with your original music to give the judge.
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*Sophomores--The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Eric Reid, Gage Ruths, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
Dates -
- The Homecoming Dance is Sat, March 5.
- JH Dance has been rescheduled for Fri, March 18 from 7-10 pm in the MPR.
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*Unity's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on March 12. Entry forms are available in the office and are due by Feb 25.
*QND is holding their 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 19 at QU. Entry forms are available in the office and are due Fri, March 4.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.
Weekend Events
*There is no school Fri, Feb 18 (Teacher Workshop) and Mon, Feb 21 (Presidents Day).
*HS Basketball plays Fri, Feb 18 at home vs Western at 6:00. It is Senior Night. The meal will be pork loin & hot dogs.
*5th/6th Volleyball plays at Brown Co on Fri, Feb 18 at 6:00. Bus at 4:15.
*5th/6th Volleyball tournament is at the high school on Sat, Feb 19
*The Homecoming basketball game against Liberty will be on Sat, Feb 19 beginning at 5:00. The meal will be marinated pork chops, cheesy potatoes & green beans. They will start serving at 4:00.
*Varsity Basketball team will be the #4 seed in the Camp Point regional. They play` on Mon, Feb 21 vs Unity at 7:30.
*5th/6th Volleyball plays at home vs Liberty on Mon, Feb 21 at 6:00--This game has been CANCELLED.
*Lunch for Tues, Feb 22 is hamburger pony, broccoli with cheese & fruit.
*If a teacher sees book checking in the hallway, it will be an automatic detention.
*JH Volleyball plays tonight at home vs Pittsfield at 6:00. It will be 8th grade recognition night.
*Quiz Bowl has a meet tonight at home vs Southeastern.
*The Spring Athletic/Activity Handbook meeting will be tonight at 7:00 in Mr. Page's room.
*JH students interested in track--there will be an informational meeting in the library tomorrow during the meeting time. The meeting schedule will run for class meetings.
*IGSMA Solo and Ensemble will be held Sat, Feb 26 in Quincy at Baldwin School. Students need to turn their sheets in if they are riding the bus there and back. Bus time is 7:05 at the High School. Students not riding back on the bus must have their parent sign them out. Please dress nicely and be prepared with your original music to give the judge.
*The JH Dance has been rescheduled for Fri, March 18 from 7-10 pm in the MPR.
New Scholarships:
*The Quincy Service League is offering scholarships to graduating seniors of Adams County high schools. The scholarships are in the amount of $1,000 each. Mrs. Callahan has applications in her office. The deadline is April 3, 2011.
*The United States Service Academies (example: West Point) require a nomination from a Congressman for application. On April 26 in Springfield, there will be a meeting to explain the congressional nomination process. Due to security constraints, anyone interested in attending must RSVP no later than April 12, 2011 by emailing Captain Brian Hodge at brian.hodge.@ang.af.mil--information will have to be given for security clearance. If you have further questions, contact Mrs. Callahan.
* Under the direction of the Payson-Seymour Education Foundation, there is an Accounting scholarship available to a graduating senior from Payson H.S. who is pursuing a career in Accounting. Applications are available in Mrs. Callahan's office. The deadline to Mrs. Callahan is Friday, March 18, 2011.
* Under the direction of the Payson-Seymour Education Foundation, the Elizabeth House Scholarship application is available to all graduating seniors who are entering college or a trade/technical school. Applications are available in Mrs. Callahan's office. The deadline to Mrs. Callahan is Friday, March 18, 2011.
* The Kira Kenady Memorial Scholarship has been created to provide financial assistance to a graduating senior from Payson Seymour High School. The selection for this scholarship will NOT be based solely on scholastic grades. See Mrs. Callahan for an application. The deadline to Mrs. Callahan is Friday, March 18, 2011.
·*Under the direction of the Payson-Seymour Education Foundation, the Larimore Memorial Scholarship application is now available to those seniors who plan to attend JWCC in the fall as a full time student. The application is available from Mrs. Callahan. The deadline for this application is Monday, March 21, 2011. Return to Mrs. Callahan.
·*The Plainville Lion's Club scholarship has been created to provide financial assistance ($1,000) for three graduating seniors from Payson. Students who have intentions of majoring in education towards ultimately becoming a teacher will be considered first for this scholarship. Applications are available from Mrs. Callahan. Deadline to Mrs. Callahan is Monday, March 21, 2011.
*The Ellis Fesler Memorial Scholarship is open to all Payson-Seymour seniors planning to enter a college or a trade/technical school. Applications are available from Mrs. Callahan. The deadline is Monday, March 21, 2011 to Mrs. Callahan.
*JH Book Club will meet in the library on Feb 24 during JH Lunch.
*HS Book Club will meet in the library on Feb 24 during HS Lunch..
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*The annual Louisiana weightlifting competition will be March 12. It is open for anybody in grades 8-11. Please sign up by February 18 with your shirt size if you are interested. At Payson, see Coach Asbury. At Unity, see Coach Woodworth or Mr. Klusmeyer.
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*Sophomores--The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Eric Reid, Gage Ruths, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
Dates -
- The Homecoming Dance is Sat, March 5.
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*Unity's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on March 12. Entry forms are available in the office and are due by Feb 25.
*QND is holding their 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 19 at QU. Entry forms are available in the office and are due Fri, March 4.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 8TH GRADE BASKETBALL TEAM!! They will play for 3rd place in State tonight at 6:00. They will play Normal Metcalf at Mt. Pulaski.
*School will be released at 11:10 today. There will be no school tomorrow (Teacher Workshop) and Mon, Feb 21 (Presidents Day).
*We will have a pep assembly today at 10:40 for the 8th grade basketball team & for Homecoming. The floats will be judged during the pep assembly & the walls judged on Saturday.
*The pep bus will leave at 2:45 today. Try to be here at 2:20 to send the basketball team off.
*If you did not receive your midterms yesterday, please come to the office.
*Any Senior in basketball, cheerleading and pep band, please go to the Art room today to sign your name on the teepee for Friday's game.*The Payson Music Boosters are sponsoring new polo shirts for all students in band and choir. All students in band and choir will be using the shirt for musical performances, including the Spring Concert. The polo shirt fee is $10 and due today.
*Students participating in IHSA and IGSMA Solos and Ensemble Contests should pay their accompaniment fees ASAP. It is $10 and due today.
*The 5th/6th Basketball game vs Unity at home and the JH Volleyball game at Western for tonight have both been cancelled. The volleyball game is rescheduled for Feb 26 at Payson at 10:00 am.
*The cancelled 5th/6th Basketball game at Liberty has been rescheduled for March 12 at 10:00 am.
*Kendra still has a few "Final 4" tshirts available. Please see her if interested.
*The Homecoming basketball games against Liberty will be on Sat, Feb 19 beginning at 5:00.
*The meal before Saturday's game will be marinated pork chops, cheesy potatoes & green beans. They will start serving at 4:00.
*The meal before Friday's basketball game vs Western will be pork loin & hot dogs.
*Varsity Basketball team will be the #4 seed in the Camp Point regional. They play on Mon, Feb 21 vs Unity at 7:30.
*The Spring Athletic/Activity Handbook meeting will be Tues, Feb 22 at 7:00 in Mr. Page's room.
*JH Book Club will meet in the library on Feb 24 during JH Lunch.
*HS Book Club will meet in the library on Feb 24 during HS Lunch..
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*The annual Louisiana weightlifting competition will be March 12. It is open for anybody in grades 8-11. Please sign up by February 18 with your shirt size if you are interested. At Payson, see Coach Asbury. At Unity, see Coach Woodworth or Mr. Klusmeyer.
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*Freshman--please bring $3.00 to Mr. Carey ASAP.
*Freshman--The Backwards raffle tickets are ready. If you plan on selling any please come to Mr. Carey's room and pick up your tickets. I will be gone tomorrow so make sure you get them today if you plan on selling them this weekend. Thanks!
*Sophomores--The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Eric Reid, Gage Ruths, DJ Steffen, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
Dates -
- The Homecoming Dance is Sat, March 5.
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*There will be a hunter safety course at the EMPR on Fri, Feb 18 from 6-10 pm and Sat, Feb 19 from 9 am-4 pm. Lunch will be provided by the VFW. For more information, call 936-2712, 224-0851, 696-4322.
*The Quincy Table Tennis Club is sponsoring a junior table tennis tournament on Sun, Feb 20. Skill levels are: novice, basement, experienced & advanced. A flyer is on the office window.
*On Monday, February 21 at 6:00 p.m. the JWCC Agricultural Education Center in Perry is hosting an Ag Careers Night. Contact them for reservations at 641-4558 by February 16th (a meal will be provided).
*QND is holding their 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 19 at QU. Entry forms are available in the office and are due Fri, March 4.
*Unity's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on March 12. Entry forms are available in the office and are due by Feb 25.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 8TH GRADE BASKETBALL TEAM!! They will play for 3rd place in State on Thursday at 6:00. They will play Normal Metcalf at Mt. Pulaski.
*Lunch for Weds, Feb 16 is spaghetti, garlic stix, 7-layer & fruit.
*If you did not receive your midterms yesterday, please come to the office.
*We will run meeting schedule today for FFA.
*Reminder to pay for your pizza by 9 am or it will not be ordered today.
*Homecoming Spirit Week continues this week with multiplicity day (dress like twins only with many people) & tomorrow is blue-white day.
*Softball players will being having lunch today in Ms. Wiedman's room. Please bring your apparel order.
*Sign up for the pep bus in Kendra's room ASAP. It will leave at 2:45. You'll need $2.00 to ride and a permission slip signed. It is $2.00 to get into the game for JH and $5.00 for HS.
*National Honor Society will be sponsoring a "Buffalo Wild Wings Takeover Night" tonight from 5:00-9:00 pm. 15% of all pre-taxed foods (both dine-in and take out) will be donated to the Payson Seymour High Chapter of the National Honor Society to help take care of induction costs and cover the cost of community service projects. There is a coupon that must be presented for the organization to receive their share of the profits. Every student and faculty member will receive the coupon Tuesday during first hour. The 5 Senior members of National Honor Society are Matt Hocking, Ashley Oberling, Brittany Speckhart, Rebecca Wolf, and Dakota Flesner. Come out and join us for a night filled with food and fun!
*JH Volleyball plays tonight at QJH at 5:00.
*The 5th/6th Basketball game vs Unity at home and the JH Volleyball game at Western on Thursday night have both been cancelled. The volleyball game is rescheduled for Feb 26 at Payson at 10:00 am.
*There will be a breakfast for HS boys and girls basketball teams, cheerleaders, dance team, pep band & 8th grade basketball team, cheer & dance tomorrow morning.
*Pep Club members--please sign up in Kendra's room to bring items for the breakfast tomorrow.
*Congratulations to the Payson students that made Pike County Honor Band. Students representing Payson include: Hannah Mahon, Serenity Austin, Paige Pence, Aaron Rogers, Grace Behrensmeyer
*Students participating in IHSA and IGSMA Solos and Ensemble Contests should pay their accompaniment fees ASAP. It is $10 and due tomorrow.
*The Payson Music Boosters are sponsoring new polo shirts for all students in band and choir. All students in band and choir will be using the shirt for musical performances, including the Spring Concert. The polo shirt fee is $10 and due tomorrow.
*School will be released at 11:10 tomorrow. There will be no school on Fri, Feb 18 (Teacher Workshop) and Mon, Feb 21 (Presidents Day).
*Varsity Basketball team will be the #4 seed in the Camp Point regional. They play on Mon, Feb 21 vs Unity at 7:30.
*The Homecoming Dance will be held on Sat, March 5.
*The meal before Friday's basketball game will be pork loin & hot dogs.
*The meal before Saturday's game will be marinated pork chops, cheesy potatoes & green beans. They will start serving at 4:00.
*The Homecoming basketball games against Liberty will be on Sat, Feb 19 beginning at 5:00.
*The Spring Athletic/Activity Handbook meeting will be Tues, Feb 22 at 7:00 in Mr. Page's room.
*JH Book Club will meet in the library on Feb 24 during JH Lunch.
*HS Book Club will meet in the library on Feb 24 during HS Lunch..
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*The annual Louisiana weightlifting competition will be March 12. It is open for anybody in grades 8-11. Please sign up by February 18 with your shirt size if you are interested. At Payson, see Coach Asbury. At Unity, see Coach Woodworth or Mr. Klusmeyer.
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*Freshman--please bring $3.00 to Mr. Carey ASAP.
*Freshman--The Backwards raffle tickets are ready. If you plan on selling any please come to Mr. Carey's room and pick up your tickets. I will be gone tomorrow so make sure you get them today if you plan on selling them this weekend. Thanks!
*Sophomores--The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Eric Reid, Gage Ruths, DJ Steffen, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
Dates -
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*There will be a hunter safety course at the EMPR on Fri, Feb 18 from 6-10 pm and Sat, Feb 19 from 9 am-4 pm. Lunch will be provided by the VFW. For more information, call 936-2712, 224-0851, 696-4322.
*The Quincy Table Tennis Club is sponsoring a junior table tennis tournament on Sun, Feb 20. Skill levels are: novice, basement, experienced & advanced. A flyer is on the office window.
*On Monday, February 21 at 6:00 p.m. the JWCC Agricultural Education Center in Perry is hosting an Ag Careers Night. Contact them for reservations at 641-4558 by February 16th (a meal will be provided).
*QND is holding their 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 19 at QU. Entry forms are available in the office and are due Fri, March 4.
*Unity's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on March 12. Entry forms are available in the office and are due by Feb 25.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.
Brackets Are Ready!
Three on Three Basketball Tournament
March 26, 2011 @ Payson High School
Click here for 3-4 Girls Bracket
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 8TH GRADE BASKETBALL TEAM!! They will play for 3rd place in State on Thursday at 6:00. They will play Normal Metcalf at Mt. Pulaski.
*REMINDER: PEA meeting after school today at the grade school starting at 3:20. It will be over by 3:40 as promised. This is the rescheduled meeting from last week.
*Lunch for Tues, Feb 15 is egg casserole, hashbrown cubes, biscuit & 1/2 orange.
*Orders for "Final Four" t-shirts must by in to Kendra by 8:30 this morning . They are blue & cost $9.00.
*Sign up for the pep bus in Kendra's room ASAP. It will leave at 2:45. You'll need $2.00 to ride and a permission slip signed. It is $2.00 to get into the game for JH and $5.00 for HS.
*Homecoming Spirit Week continues this week with Color Day today: Seniors-orange, Juniors-blue, Sophomores-purple, Freshmen-pink, JH-black, Grade School-red, Teachers-green. Wednesday is multiplicity day (dress like twins only with many people) & Thursday is blue-white day.
*The nurse will be doing vision & hearing screenings in the library during 1st, 2nd & 3rd periods.
*Students leaving for the Pike Co Honor Band Auditions will leave at the beginning of 3rd period today and return by the end of the day.
*There will be a pizza sale today during lunch. It must be paid for by the end of the day. See the signs in the hallway.
*Midterm grades will be sent home today.
*The Spring Athletic/Activity Handbook meeting for tonight has been cancelled. It has been rescheduled for Tues, Feb 22 at 7:00 in Mr. Page's room.
*Quiz Bowl has a meet tonight at 4:30 at Camp Point Central.
*5th/6th Basketball plays at home tonight vs Pleasant Hill at 6:00.
*5th/6th Volleyball plays at Southeastern at 6:00. Bus at 4:30.
*Students participating in IHSA and IGSMA Solos and Ensemble Contests should pay their accompaniment fees ASAP. It is $10 and due by Thurs, Feb 18.
*The Payson Music Boosters are sponsoring new polo shirts for all students in band and choir. All students in band and choir will be using the shirt for musical performances, including the Spring Concert. The polo shirt fee is $10 and due by Thurs, Feb 18.
*JH Book Club will meet in the library on Feb 24 during JH Lunch.
*HS Book Club will meet in the library on Feb 24 during HS Lunch..
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
*National Honor Society will be sponsoring a "Buffalo Wild Wings Takeover Night" tomorrow night from 5:00-9:00 pm. 15% of all pre-taxed foods (both dine-in and take out) will be donated to the Payson Seymour High Chapter of the National Honor Society to help take care of induction costs and cover the cost of community service projects. There is a coupon that must be presented for the organization to receive their share of the profits. Every student and faculty member will receive the coupon Tuesday during first hour. The 5 Senior members of National Honor Society are Matt Hocking, Ashley Oberling, Brittany Speckhart, Rebecca Wolf, and Dakota Flesner. Come out and join us for a night filled with food and fun!
*There will be a breakfast for HS boys and girls basketball teams, cheerleaders, dance team, pep and & 8th grade basketball team, cheer & dance on Thurday morning.
*Pep Club members--please sign up in Kendra's room to bring items for the breakfast on Thursday.
*Freshman--please bring $3.00 to Mr. Carey ASAP.
*Freshman--The Backwards raffle tickets are ready. If you plan on selling any please come to Mr. Carey's room and pick up your tickets. I will be gone tomorrow so make sure you get them today if you plan on selling them this weekend. Thanks!
*The Homecoming basketball games against Liberty will be on Sat, Feb 19 beginning at 5:00.
*School will be released at 11:10 on Thurs, Fri 17. There will be no school on Fri, Feb 18 (Teacher Workshop) and Mon, Feb 21 (Presidents Day).
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*The annual Louisiana weightlifting competition will be March 12. It is open for anybody in grades 8-11. Please sign up by February 18 with your shirt size if you are interested. At Payson, see Coach Asbury. At Unity, see Coach Woodworth or Mr. Klusmeyer.
*The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Eric Reid, Gage Ruths, DJ Steffen, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
Dates -
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*There will be a hunter safety course at the EMPR on Fri, Feb 18 from 6-10 pm and Sat, Feb 19 from 9 am-4 pm. Lunch will be provided by the VFW. For more information, call 936-2712, 224-0851, 696-4322.
*The Quincy Table Tennis Club is sponsoring a junior table tennis tournament on Sun, Feb 20. Skill levels are: novice, basement, experienced & advanced. A flyer is on the office window.
*On Monday, February 21 at 6:00 p.m. the JWCC Agricultural Education Center in Perry is hosting an Ag Careers Night. Contact them for reservations at 641-4558 by February 16th (a meal will be provided).
*QND is holding their 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 19 at QU. Entry forms are available in the office and are due Fri, March 4.
*Unity's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on March 12. Entry forms are available in the office and are due by Feb 25.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 8TH GRADE BASKETBALL TEAM!! They will play for 3rd place in State on Thursday at 6:00. They will play Normal Metcalf at Mt. Pulaski.
*Lunch for Mon, Feb 14 is grilled chicken sandwich, macaroni & cheese, green beans & fruit
*JH Volleyball plays tonight at home vs Griggsville-Perry at 6:00.
*Quiz Bowl has a meet tonight at Central at 4:00.
*On Thurs, Feb 10, 20 students participated in the 33rd annual WYSE Academic Challenge at John Wood Community College. Students took two tests in various subjects including English, Engineering Graphics, Math, and Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics). Payson students received quite a few medals.
The "At-Large" results:
- Biology - Audrey Zanger - 2nd Place
- Chemistry - Elizabeth Davis - 2nd Place
- Engineering Graphics - Ryan Hildebrand - 1st Place
- Math - Elizabeth Davis - 3rd Place
- Brooke Hultz - 2nd Place
- Audrey Zanger - 1st Place
The individual (overall) results:
- Engineering Graphics - Ryan Hildebrand - 2nd Place
- Math - Brittany Speckhart - 2nd Place
- Physics - Catherine Richards - 2nd Place
Ryan, Brittany, and Catherine will advance to sectional competition on March 8th at Illinois College in Jacksonville. Please congratulate them if you see them.
*There will be a pizza sale today and tomorrow during lunch. It must be paid for by the end of the day Tuesday. See the signs in the hallway.
*We will have a pep bus on Thursday to go the final four game. It will leave at 3:00. Sign up in Kendra's room. You'll need $2.00 to ride and a permission slip signed. It is $3.00 to get into the game for JH and $7.00 for HS.
*We will taking orders for "Final Four" t-shirts in Kendra's room.
*National Honor Society will be sponsoring a "Buffalo Wild Wings Takeover Night" on Weds, Feb 16 from 5:00-9:00 pm. 15% of all pre-taxed foods (both dine-in and take out) will be donated to the Payson Seymour High Chapter of the National Honor Society to help take care of induction costs and cover the cost of community service projects. There is a coupon that must be presented for the organization to receive their share of the profits. Every student and faculty member will receive the coupon Tuesday during first hour.. Buffalo Wild Wings is located at 6120 Broadway in Quincy. The 5 Senior members of National Honor Society are Matt Hocking, Ashley Oberling, Brittany Speckhart, Rebecca Wolf, and Dakota Flesner. Come out and join us for a night filled with food and fun!
*There will be a breakfast for HS boys and girls basketball teams, cheerleaders, dance team, pep and & 8th grade basketball team, cheer & dance on Thurday morning.
*Pep Club members--please sign up in Kendra's room to bring items for the breakfast on Thursday.
*Prom will be April 16
*High School Graduation has been scheduled for Sun, May 22 at 3:00. Baccalaureate will be Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
*The Quincy Table Tennis Club is sponsoring a junior table tennis tournament on Sun, Feb 20. Skill levels are: novice, basement, experienced & advanced. A flyer is on the office window.
*QND is holding their 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 19 at QU. Entry forms are available in the office and are due Fri, March 4.
*Midterm grades will be sent home tomorrow.
*Freshman--please bring $3.00 to Mr. Carey ASAP.
*Freshman--The Backwards raffle tickets are ready. If you plan on selling any please come to Mr. Carey's room and pick up your tickets. I will be gone tomorrow so make sure you get them today if you plan on selling them this weekend. Thanks!
*The Homecoming basketball games against Liberty will be on Sat, Feb 19 beginning at 5:00.
*School will be released at 11:10 on Thurs, Fri 17. There will be no school on Fri, Feb 18 (Teacher Workshop) and Mon, Feb 21 (Presidents Day).
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*The annual Louisiana weightlifting competition will be March 12. It is open for anybody in grades 8-11. Please sign up by February 18 with your shirt size if you are interested. At Payson, see Coach Asbury. At Unity, see Coach Woodworth or Mr. Klusmeyer.
*The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Eric Reid, Gage Ruths, DJ Steffen, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors—Turn in your Churchill Photography form and your Proofs to Mrs. Germann ASAP.
*There will be a hunter safety course at the EMPR on Fri, Feb 18 from 6-10 pm and Sat, Feb 19 from 9 am-4 pm. Lunch will be provided by the VFW. For more information, call 936-2712, 224-0851, 696-4322.
*On Monday, February 21 at 6:00 p.m. the JWCC Agricultural Education Center in Perry is hosting an Ag Careers Night. Contact them for reservations at 641-4558 by February 16th (a meal will be provided).
*Unity's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on March 12. Entry forms are available in the office and are due by Feb 25.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.