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Celebration of Athletics

April 20, 2016

The Payson Athletic Club is hosting the  Celebration of Payson Seymour Athletics Dinner and Recognition Banquet on Monday, May 23, 2016 at 6pm.  The public is welcome to attend.  Admission is by ticket only.  Tickets can be purchased at the Payson High School Office during school hours thru May 13th.  Cost is $10.  If you have any questions please call Payson High School at 217-656-3355.

4th-6th Online Summer Reading Clubs

April 20, 2016

4th-6th graders! Sign up for Online Summer Reading Clubs by Thursday, April 28th!  Choose from eight different books to read with your friends this summer.  All of our book discussion will happen ONLINE using the Edmodo website.  Book order forms and payment are due Thursday, April 28th.  Questions? Ask Mrs. Miller! 

Camp of Champions:  May 31-June 3

April 19, 2016

Camp of Champions is a basketball camp for both boys and girls entering grades 1-8.  It will be held May 31-June 3.  Please click here for a registration form and more details.

Little Indians Track & Field Camp

April 14, 2016

The Little Indians Track & Field Camp for grades K- 6 will be held on June 10 from 5:30-8:00. Cost is $20 and includes a tshirt and snack.  Please click on the following links for more details.

Camp flier

Camp registration form

Payson Cell Phone Case Fundraiser

March 17, 2016
The Freshman class is selling Payson cell phone cases.  Orders and money are due March 25.  Please click here for more info.

Order Your Yearbook Today!

March 16, 2016

Order Your Yearbook Today!

Orders are now being taken for the 2015-2016 Seymourian JRH/HS yearbook.  Cost is $55. All orders must be placed by April 15th.  

To order yours online, click here. OR send a cash/check to school and give to Mrs. Germann

3 on 3 Brackets are Ready!

March 15, 2016

Brackets for the 2016 Payson 3 on 3 Hoops are posted below:


3-4 Girls

3-4 Boys





All registrations will take place at Payson Seymour High School Library.

You must be registered 45 minutes before your first game. Registration will begin at 7:45am.
Each player must show school ID with proof of grade at the time of registration, (can be report card, school ID card, school yearbook, etc.). If a player has no proof of grade level, he/she will not be allowed to participate until proper proof is demonstrated!
T-shirts will be given at the time of registration.
Lunch and Concessions Available All Day at All Gyms
Team players will be stamped at registration. Any team member NOT stamped will not play!


1.    All teams need to be wearing like color jerseys or T-shirts.
2.    Each team will be guaranteed three games. All teams will be placed in round robin pools or brackets, depending on the number in each division. Tournament officials reserve the right to restructure divisions if deemed necessary. Brackets were done by Tournament Builder computer program. Tournament may progress ahead of schedule; teams must be ready to play as soon as the game preceding theirs is finished or forfeit the game. If a forfeit occurs, the forfeited game will count towards the three game guarantee. Brackets will not be re-done for a forfeited game.
3.    A coin flip will determine first possession. Game ends when one team reaches 15 points or 15 minutes continuous clock expires. Tied games will be determined by free throws. Each player will get a shot. If a team does not have 4 players, then one player will shoot twice. The team with the most free throws wins. A tie in number of free throws made in one round of overtime will produce a second overtime. Overtime periods will continue until a team wins.
4.    One time-out per team. No time outs in last 2 minutes of game. Time-out 30 seconds.
5.    Made goals from behind the arc count two. Made goals inside the arc count one.
6.    Fouls in the act of shooting and after 6 team fouls will be rewarded 1 free throw; it may be a 1 point or 2 point try. If a one point free throw is missed, the ball goes to the offensive team. If a two point free throw is missed, the ball goes to defensive team.
7.    Ball must be checked at the top of the key after made baskets or dead ball situations. The ball must be cleared outside the 2-point arc on steals or defensive rebounds before a team may attack the basket.
8.    Younger divisions my dribble the ball in rather than throwing it in. This is up to the discretion of the referee.
9.    Jump balls are rewarded to defensive side.
10.  Substitution must take place when the ball is dead or following made goals when the ball is being checked. You must let the referee know you are changing players.
11.  Each court will have a referee and a scorer to regulate play. Referee's calls are final. These people are volunteers, so give them the respect they deserve.
12.  A tied round robin will be broken by head to head first, then by defensive points allowed.
13.  Good Sportsmanship is expected of all participants and fans. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. A technical foul will be granted or ejection from the game or tournament may result at the referee's discretion.
14.  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies given to each division. Medals for toilet bowl winners
15.  Fighting and vulgar language will NOT be tolerated from participants or spectators. Ejection from the game or tournament may result at the referee's discretion.

Sport Physicals

March 14, 2016

Advance Physical Therapy will be having free sports physicals on July 26th from 6-8:30pm. The only athletes not included are 6th and 9th graders due to requirements with immunizations. The physicals are free, but an appointment must be made by calling 217-222-9300. The physicals are located at 927 Broadway Suite 100 (Blessing Physician Services Building).

Diane Germann wins State Award

March 09, 2016

Congratulations to Diane Germann Payson JRH/HS Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher.  Mrs. Germann was awarded the District Award for Community Service in July 2015.  She then went on the state level for competition.  Payson CUSD#1 is proud to announce that Mrs. Germann has won the Carl Perkins Community Service Award for the State of Illinois for Demonstrating Excellence in Best Practice in Career and Technical Education.  She will now move on to compete for the National Award.  

Please join Payson CUSD#1 in congratulating Diane Germann!

3 on 3 Registration is Open

March 03, 2016

The Payson Athletic Club will host it's annual 3 on 3 basketball tournament on Saturday, March 19,2016.  Cost per team is $65.  Divsions are as follows

3-4 boys & 3-4 girls
5-6 boys & 5-6 girls
7-8 boys & 7-8 girls
9-10 boys & 9-10 girls
11-12 boys & 11-12 girls

To register, click here

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