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October 14, 2011 Syndicated from PJHSHS

*Lunch for Tues, Oct 18 is chicken patty on bun, twice baked casserole, green beans & fruit

*We will run the meeting schedule today instead of Weds for Student Council.

*JH Girls Basketball plays tonight in the Central Tournament.

*Hannibal High School is hosting a Beyond H.S. Expo tonight from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria.  Over fifty colleges, technical schools, and military representatives will be in attendance.

*Seniors:  The list of participants for tomorrow's College and Career Fair in Pittsfield are listed on Mrs. Callahan’s web page.  You will then have the afternoon off.

*On Friday, the Accounting class will be hosting another breakfast.  They will be serving cinnamon rolls.  There are pre-order forms in the office for anyone who is planning to eat breakfast.  If you pre-order for Friday's breakfast, you will receive a free drink with your meal.  Pre-order forms can be turned in to Mr. Rea with your money.

*Books are available in the library for:  Alex Cookson, Logan Hilgenbrink, Jared Jones, Stephanie Nelson


*Class rings will be delivered Mon, Oct 24 before school (7:30-8:00).   The ring must be paid for before you can pick it up.

*The Sadie Hawkins Dance will be on Fri, Oct 28 in the HS MPR.

*The next Payson Pride celebration is Nov 30.  To participate in the day, you need to be have zero tardies from Oct 13 until Nov 30 along with zero office referrals.

*Do you need community service hours?  Here are a few opportunities:

  • The concession stand for JH girls basketball needs workers.  Please stop by the office if you are interested.
  • The Grade school is in need of people to help out at Homework Haven.  This runs from 3:05 – 4:00 Monday thru Thursday. Volunteers would help younger students with math, reading, science and/or spelling tests.  If you are interested, please contact Ms. Brokaw.
  • The Altrusa Coat Drive needs help sorting and sizing donated coats.  They also need help on the Coat give away day.  The list of the dates, times, and place can be found in Mrs. Callahan’s office.

*Quote of the day - Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.  By Ernest Dimnet


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