*Lunch for Tues, Aug 30 is bbq pork on bun, hashbrown casserole, corn & fruit
*Jostens will return today to pick up orders from the Seniors & Sophomores.
*HS Book Club will meet today in the HS Library during HS Lunch.
*If you are joining Pep Club & are interested in making signs for the lockers, please go to Mrs. Reeves room at the beginning of lunch today for a few minutes.
*If you would like to be a class officer, sign up sheets are located on the window outside of the main office. Deadline is today.
*JH Baseball plays tonight at home vs QJH at 4:30.
*Golf team plays at Hamilton tonight at 4:00.
*Volleyball team plays tonight in the Southeastern Tournament vs Rushville at 4:00. Bus at 2:40. Dismiss at 2:30.
*The postcard booklet for magazine sales is due to Mrs. Rosenkrans tomorrow. Magazine orders are due every Friday to your sponsors. Final turn-in date is Fri, Sept 16.
*Flag practice will be after school tomorrow.
*Marching band members will have practice after school on Fri, Sept 2.
*The band will be participating in the Pittsfield Falls Festival Parade on Sat, Sept 3. Bus time will be 8:15 and should return between 2:00 and 3:00 pm.
*There will be an informational meeting for JH Girls Basketball on Thurs, Sept 8 at 6:00 in the HS library.