*Lunch for Tues, March 22 is chili with crackers, peanut butter sandwich, tossed salad & fruit
*JH Choral Festival is tonight at Pleasant Hill. Students will leave today at 10:45.
*Softball team plays tonight at Unity at 4:30. Bus at 2:45.
*Baseball team plays tonight at Bowling Green at 4:30. Bus at 2:45.
*7th Graders--summer baseball forms are now in the office. They are due tomorrow.
*Seniors--the senior trip t-shirts are in. Please pay Jaden Bower $13.75 to pick yours up.
*Students participating in the Read for a Lifetime program need to have their four titles read and turned in to Ms. Brokaw by April 5th.
*The penny wars are on! Remember, to put your pennies in your own class's bucket and any silver change or dollars in other class's. Pennies count for positive monies and silver counts against the total of another class. The class with the highest total positive monies at the end of the event will receive an dessert treat of some type. Let the war begin! All proceeds go to the Red Cross relief effort in Japan.
*There will be a mass pep band on Weds, March 23 featuring the musical talents of the Payson Seymour Pep Band, Meredosia Chambersburg Pep Band, and the Pittsfield Pep Band. Cost will be $1.00 for students and $2.00 for adults. Boosters will be selling walking tacos. Concert starts at 7:00 and Pep Band members need to be present at 5:00 to rehearse the mass pieces.
*Seniors--a reminder that your pictures for the wall composite will be taken on Thurs, March 24. Dress nice--no shirts with words on them.
*Seniors: John Wood’s JDUB Senior day is Friday, March 25. The event begins at 9:00 a.m. and will conclude at 1:30 p.m. All activities are free and include games, a scavenger hunt, lunch, an ice cream eating contest, t-shirt, etc. If you would like to use one of your college days to attend, you may sign up in Mrs. Callahan’s office.
*HS Dance tryouts will be on March 29 and 31. A sign up sheet is in the office, along with a flyer to pick up.
*Yearbooks will be on sale until March 31 for $45.
*Seniors--the deadline for ads for the yearbook has been extended to March 31.
*JH Dance tryout practice will be April 4 and 5 from 6:00-7:30. Tryouts will be April 6 at 6:00.
*The following VB players still need to turn in their uniform: Brekken Flesner, Paige Marshall, Gabby Miller, Amy Gille, Chekka Boewe, Jackie Koetters, Addi Ippensen, Kaitlyn Shanks
*Alex Zanger needs to see Mr. Smith ASAP about his dues
*Sophomores are selling black sweatpants with the word "Indians" written down the leg in white. Order forms are in the office.
*Sophomores--please see Mr. Smith to pick up your class shirt. They are $13.
*The Softball team is having a raffle for Cardinal-Cub tickets and a Kabrick beef bundle. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The drawing will be during the last home game on May 10. You do not have to be present to win. Please see a softball player for tickets.
*The Softball team will have a pink night at their game on April 18. Ms. Wiedman is taking shirt orders.
*Seniors--The Health Dept is offering the meningitis vaccine for $10.00. After you turn 19, they must charge $115. If you are interested in this vaccine, please call 222-8440 for times.
*If you need community service hours, contact Sarah Rogers at 217-577-3506. It will entail spring cleaning the cemetery grounds.
*If you need community service hours, softball needs concession stand workers, especially on April 1 & 2. See Ms. Wiedman if interested.
Dates -
- Prom is April 16.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Last day of school (report card day) is Tues, May 31.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
- Sports physical nights at the Quincy Medical Group are Weds, June 8 and Weds, July 20.