*Lunch for Tues, March 15 is walking taco, tossed salad & fruit
*The Pike County Honor Band Concert will be held today at Liberty at 7:00 p.m. Students should bring their uniforms, black socks and black shoes, music, instruments, and money for lunch and supper. We will leave the school after 3rd hour.
*JV Softball has a tournament at home tonight starting at 4:00.
*Student Council is sponsoring a penny war for the Red Cross relief effort in Japan. You can donate between classes in Mrs. Rosenkrans' room or during lunch.
*We will run meeting schedule tomorrow for Student Council & FFA. There will be no meetings on Weds, March 23.
*3 on 3 basketball forms must be in by Weds, March 16.
*Art Club members--please bring your decorating & food items to Mrs. Zanger by Friday.
*Seniors--pictures for the senior video are due on Friday. Also, ads for the yearbook are due on Friday.
*HS Cheer Tryout practice is Weds from 6:30-8:30. HS Cheer Open Gym is Thursday from 6:30-8:30. Tryouts will be Sat, March 19 at 8:00 am.
*There will be an Ice cream social for High school on Thurs, March 17 and Fri, March 18 for the Junior High. Cost is $1.50.
*3rd Quarter ends on Fri, March 18
*The Grade School is having a book sale in the EMPR on Sat, March 19 from 8 am - noon. Every book is 25 cents and all proceeds go to the school beautificiation fund.
*7th Graders--summer baseball forms are now in the office. They are due by Weds, March 23.
*There will be a mass pep band on Weds, March 23 featuring the musical talents of the Payson Seymour Pep Band, Meredosia Chambersburg Pep Band, and the Pittsfield Pep Band. Cost will be $1.00 for students and $2.00 for adults. Boosters will be selling walking tacos. Concert starts at 7:00 and Pep Band members need to be present at 5:00 to rehearse the mass pieces.
*Seniors: John Wood’s JDUB Senior day is Friday, March 25. The event begins at 9:00 a.m. and will conclude at 1:30 p.m. All activities are free and include games, a scavenger hunt, lunch, an ice cream eating contest, t-shirt, etc. If you would like to use one of your college days to attend, you may sign up in Mrs. Callahan’s office.
*HS Dance tryouts will be on March 29 and 31. A sign up sheet is in the office, along with a flyer to pick up.
*JH Dance tryout practice will be April 4 and 5 from 6:00-7:30. Tryouts will be April 6 at 6:00.
*YEARBOOK—Time is running out. Order your yearbook now. Pick up a form in the office or from Mrs. Germann
*Sophomore class shirts are $13.00. If you have ordered one, please pick it up from Mr. Smith.
*Sophomores--The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
Dates -
- JH Dance is Fri, March 18 from 7-10 pm in the MPR.
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.