*Lunch for Weds, Jan 26 is bbq pork on bun, hashbrown casserole, green beans & fruit
*Sophomores will be taking the PLAN test today in the MPR.
*We will run meeting schedule today for Spanish Club
*The following students need to meet in Mr. Mast's room during meeting time today to discuss Academic Challenge: Courtney Durbin, Rebecca Wolf, Brittany Speckhart, Kellie Mast, Lacey Hagerbaumer, Hannah Mahon, Catherine Richards, Aaron Edwards, Kelsie Huber, Megan Sherwood, Sarah White, Chad Lentz, Chris Ehrhardt, Danielle Ellison, and Luke Merritt
*Mr. Smith's 6th hour PE class will meet in MR. Carey's room today.
*We will have an internet safety class today in the gym. This is required for all students. The JH will be from 12:30-1:30. The HS will be from 1:45-2:55
*Team Pictures and individual pictures for the winter sports will be taken today after school in the HS MPR. Forms will be available from your coach or in the office. Fill out the form and bring a check for the amount if you order pictures. You need to be dressed in your uniform ready to go right after school. Coaches and sponsor please plan to be in the team picture. The tentative schedule will be as follows: HS/JH Girls Basketball, JH Volleyball 7th & 8th, JH Basketball 7th & 8th, JH Cheer, JH Dance, HS Cheer, HS Dance, HS Basketball Varsity and JV.
*JH Volleyball plays tonight at Rushville at 6:00. Bus at 4:15.
*Flag practice will be held in the band room after school tonight and Weds, Feb 2.
*Books are available in the library for: Brett Loos, Whitney Saxbery, Donnie Collins, Ethan Butler, Dakota Willis, Terry Volk
*The Western Area FBLA Conference is tomorrow. Same place and time. Please make sure you have changed the date on the planned absence form. We will be leaving at 7:20 am in the Activity Bus. Bring money for lunch.
*Art Club--The Jan. 26 meeting is rescheduled for Feb. 2 in the library.
*Freshmen--order forms for class tshirts are in the office. They are due this FRI, JAN 28.
*Students participating in IHSA and IGSMA Solo & Ensemble Contests should pay their accompaniment fees as soon as possible. It is $10 and due by Fri, Jan 28.
*The Payson Music Boosters are sponsoring new polo shirts for all students in band and choir. Students should get their money in for the shirts so the order can be placed. The goal is for pep band students to be wearing the new shirts for Homecoming. If you have signed up for a shirt, please bring your $10. Students in band and choir should consider purchasing a shirt since they will be used at many music events in the future.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*The JH volleyball game versus Meredosia has been switched from Tues, Feb 1 to Weds, Feb 2. Start at 6:00.
*The 8th grade boys basketball regional game has been switched from Weds, Feb 2 to Tues, Feb 1. Start at 6:00.
*Seniors--you MUST have your senior trip money in by TUES, FEB 1.
*Midterms are Feb 2.
*The Homecoming dance will be held on Feb 5 from 7-10 pm. The theme this year will RAVE theme. Dress will be semi-formal or any style that fits the theme. Tickets will be sold at the door for $5.00.
*JH Volleyball's cancelled game at Quincy Junior High on Weds, Feb 16 at 5:00. Please note the early start time.
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*YEARBOOKS are now on sale. Buy them for $45. See Mrs. Germann in the Home Ec. Room.
*The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*Community service hours are available by working in the concession stand during JH volleyball games. Please come to the office for a list of games if interested.
*Softball players--please see Ms. Wiedman for the open gym schedule.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.
*Seniors—Turn in your Churchill Photography form and your Proofs to Mrs. Germann ASAP.
*There are extra Pep Club shirts & sweatshirts with the "One Town, One Team, One Dream" saying. Please see Kendra if you're interested.
*Lifting will be Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
*The Accounting class will be serving breakfast for you every Tuesday and Friday morning in your lobby. They serve a variety of all your favorite breakfast foods. It's always at a great low price for a great value. It's one stop at the Breakfast Barrio for the only breakfast served in school.
*Homework Haven is at the Jr/Sr High from 3:05-4:05 Monday-Thursday in Mrs. Gilligan's room.