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January 19, 2011 Syndicated from PJHSHS

*Lunch for Thurs, Jan 20 is walking taco, tossed salad, oatmeal cookie & fruit

*Freshmen Basketball plays tonight at home vs QND at 6:00.

*JH Basketball plays tonight at Liberty at 6:00.  Bus at 5:00.

*JH Volleyball play tonight at Quincy Jr High at 6:00.  Bus at 4:45.

*JH Volleyball's cancelled game vs Rushville from last week is rescheduled for Weds, Jan 26 at 6:00.

*Student council will be sponsoring a Pizza social for the HS tomorrow. You must preorder and prepay for the pizza. It is $2 per slice or $12 per pizza. Orders will be taken today during lunch.

*Payson Pride is changing.  This semester you will be eligible for a monthly drawing. If you are written down on the blue sheets more than two times in a month, you will have your name removed from the drawing.  We will no longer be using the tickets this semester.  Prizes include a choice of a $10 I-tunes card, Wal-Mart card or gift certificate to Fast Stop.  Remember--Be Prepared, Polite and Productive.

*The Western Area FBLA Conference has been rescheduled to Jan 27th.  Same place and time.  Please make sure you have paid your $5 to Mr. Rea and change the date on the planned absence form.  We will be leaving at 7:20 am in the Activity Bus.  Bring money for lunch.

*Seniors going on senior trip need to have their trip money in by Tues, Feb 1.

*Midterms are Feb 2.

*The Homecoming dance will be held on Feb 4 from 7-10 pm.  The theme this year will RAVE theme.  Dress will be semi-formal or any style that fits the theme.  Tickets will be sold at the door for $5.00.

 *YEARBOOKS are now on sale.  Buy them for $45.  See Mrs. Germann in the Home Ec. Room.


*Community service hours are available by working in the concession stand during JH volleyball games.  Please come to the office for a list of games if interested.

*Softball players--please see Ms. Wiedman for the open gym schedule.

*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17.  Interested students must complete a short answer application.  More information is available in the office.

 *Seniors—Turn in your Churchill Photography form and your Proofs to Mrs. Germann ASAP.

*There are extra Pep Club shirts & sweatshirts with the "One Town, One Team, One Dream" saying.  Please see Kendra if you're interested.

*Lifting will be Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

*The Accounting class will be serving breakfast for you every Tuesday and Friday morning in your lobby.  They serve a variety of all your favorite breakfast foods.  It's always at a great low price for a great value.  It's one stop at the Breakfast Barrio for the only breakfast served in school.

*Homework Haven is at the Jr/Sr High from 3:05-4:05 Monday-Thursday in Mrs. Gilligan's room.


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