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October 05, 2010 Syndicated from PJHSHS

*Lunch for today will be a hamburger pony, green beans, and apple crisp.

*Attention all students--Once the bus drops you off at school or you arrive at school in the morning, you are not allowed to leave school grounds to go to the Fastop or anywhere else.  Also, please do not sit in your vehicles.  Once you get here, please come inside.  Thank you!

*There will be class meetings today during the meeting period.

*There will be an Art Club officers meeting Thursday during lunch.  Please get your lunch and come to the art room.

*Payson Pride night will be Weds, Oct 6 at the park.  Please come show your support for all our kids.  Band members--meet at school around 5:45 to march up to park. Prize to organization with highest percentage in attendance!

*Volleyball will play on Thursday against West Hancock.  This will be the girls last home game and senior night.

*Any junior who has not signed up for the PSAT should do so this week.  The cost is $13.00-there are more study materials!!!  See Mrs. Callahan.

*On Mon, October 11, students auditioning for the IMEA Ensembles will be leaving the high school at 6:00am.  Students should dress nicely and bring their audition music.  Students need to find their rooms and sign up for audition times immediately upon arrival at Petersburg.  We will be eating on the way home, time permiting.  We should be arriving back home around 3:30 pm.

*Handbook meeting on Tuesday, October 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the HS Library.  It is REQUIRED for a parent and student to attend the meeting.

*The PSAT test will be given to interested juniors on Weds, Oct 13.

*Our next blood drive is on Oct 26th.  If you would like to donate blood, please sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans.  You need to be 17 or have a parent permission form.  You may pick up the form from Mrs. Rosenkrans.

*Pep Club members--$2.00 dues must be paid by the end of October.

*Seymour Elementary is proud to announce that Gabby Miller's entry in the stacic stick decal contest sponsored by the Illinois Reading Council is one of the eight featured on the front cover of the recent Illinois Reading Council Journal.  Congratulations Gabby!

*There are books available in the library for Connie Linder and Gabby Bliss

*There is a sign up sheet in the library for high school students interested in participating in the statewide Read for A Lifetime reading program.  For more information, see Ms. Brokaw.


*Homework Haven will be at the Jr/Sr High will be from 3:05-4:05 Monday-Thursday in Mrs. Gilligan's room.

* Students, if you need help setting up a student login on the I NOW program please come to the office and we can help you set it up.

*Any student who did not receive a planner, please stop by the office to pick one up.

*Any student who did not receive their student ID, please see Mrs. Germann.

*Students, do you need community service hours or student council points?  Then sign up to do Homework Haven at the grade school.  This wonderful event happens on Mon - Thurs from 3:05 - 4:05.  Sign up in Mrs. Rosenkrans room.

*Anybody that needs service hours, see Ms. Wiedman. 

*There will be a flu clinic at the elementary multi-purpose room on October 7.  It will be open to the public from 3:30-5:30.



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