*Lunch for Thurs, Feb 2 has changed to a hamburger, tossed salad, cherry crisp & fruit
*Quiz Bowl has a meet tonight at Griggsville at 4:30.
*There will baseball open gym tonight from 6-8.
*Make sure you sign up for the dodgeball tournament in Mrs. Rosenkrans' room.
*If you have lost any jewelry, please stop by the office.
*Midterms are tomorrow.
*The next Athletic Club meeting is Mon, Feb 6 in the library at 8:00 pm.
*Students interested in finding out about the many career areas in agriculture are invited to JWCC Ag Center in Perry on Mon, Feb 27. Tours of the Ag Center will begin at 4:00 pm. A meal will be provided later in the evening. If you are interested, you must contact the Ag Center by Feb 16 at 236-4711.
*The Music Boosters are sponsoring a Valentine's Dance & dinner on Feb 18 from 6-10 pm. There will be live music and a dinner of ham, twice baked potatoes, vegetable & salad. Tickets are $15.00/person and reservations are due in by Feb 8. All proceeds go to buy marching band uniforms.
*Students - our next Payson Pride day will be Feb 16. On this day, JH students will be eligible to go to Scotties Skateland. HS students will be eligible to participate in a dodge ball tournament. In order to be eligible for these days, you need to have no tardies and no other office referrals for behavior, starting today. We will start counting these tomorrow. HS students may sign up for a dodge ball team with Mrs. Rosenkrans.
*The HS Book Club will be reading Zombies vs. Unicorns for the next book. Who do you think will win? Join the discussion on Twitter @shsbookclub.
*Sophomores & Juniors are invited to participate in Adams Electric Coop's "Youth to Washington" program. Four local students will be selected to win a week-long tour of Washington DC. Applications are available in the office and are due Feb 24.
*Unity's 3-on-3 basketball tournament will be March 10. Entry forms are available in the office and the deadline for entries is Feb 25.
*The weight room is open every Monday Wednesday and Friday. It is open to all athletes.
*Any student needing community service hours, the Athletic Club has a need to help sell 50/50 raffle tickets. If you are interested, please contact Tina Lenz 242-5001
*Quote of the day - "Change before you have to." -Jack Welch