*Lunch for Weds, March 9 is fish sandwich, potato salad, baked beans & fruit
*We will run the meeting schedule for Spanish Club
*There will be a Prom Committee meeting today during lunch in Mr. Harbourn's room.
*3rd Quarter has now been extended to Fri, March 18
*FRESHMAN: I need your backwards raffle tickets and money ASAP! Our drawing will be this Friday and we still have roughly 400 tickets out! I will not be here on Thursday so try to have the money and tickets to me TODAY! Thanks, Mr. Carey.
*The Blood Drive went very well. Thank you to all who donated and helped. We collected 44 donations and there were 8 first time donors. We have one more later this year, so come donate then.
*There will be a meeting for all potential boys basketball players that are entering grades 9-12 for next school year in Mr. Rea's room at 7:50 am on Thursday morning. It will be a short meeting lasting 5-10 minutes. Please be prompt.
*YEARBOOK—Time is running out. Order your yearbook now. Pick up a form in the office or from Mrs. Germann
*HS Cheer tryout practice will be Mon, March 14 and Weds, March 16 from 6:30-8:30. Tryouts will be Sat, March 19 at 8:00 am. A sign up sheet is in the office.
*7th Graders--summer baseball forms are now in the office. They are due by Weds, March 23.
*Congratulations to the 9th-12th grade students that participated in the IHSA Solo & Ensemble competition last Saturday. Payson came back from the competition with 1 first, 9 seconds, and 3 thirds. Great job!
*Pike Co Honor Band rehearsal will be Weds, March 9 from 6:30-8:30 pm in Pittsfield. Bus time is 4:30 from the high school.
*There will be a mass pep band on Weds, March 23 featuring the musical talents of the Payson Seymour Pep Band, Meredosia Chambersburg Pep Band, and the Pittsfield Pep Band. Cost will be $1.00 for students and $2.00 for adults. Boosters will be selling walking tacos. Concert starts at 7:00 and Pep Band members need to be present at 5:00 to rehearse the mass pieces.
*The Student Council 1st semester pizza party will be on Thurs, March 10 during lunch. See the list in Mrs. Rosenkrans room to find out if you have enough points to come and to sign up for what kind you'd like.
*Student Council members--don't forget to turn in your officer applications to Mrs. Rosenkrans. They are in her room. Also, don't forget to bring in your toppings for the ice cream social
*The Grade School is having a book sale in the EMPR on Sat, March 19 from 8 am - noon. Every book is 25 cents and all proceeds go to the school beautificiation fund.
*HS Dance tryouts will be on March 29 and 31. A sign up sheet is in the office, along with a flyer to pick up.
*If you have not paid for your Homecoming shirt, it is now available to anyone. If you want one, please see Dakota Flesner.
*The following students still owe Kendra $9.00 for their state shirt--Courtney Grimsley, Aaron Rogers
*Sophomore class shirts are $13.00. If you have ordered one, please pick it up from Mr. Smith.
*Sophomores--The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors--If you have not turned in your senior picture for the senior video, please turn it in by March 15. You can give a picture to Bryce Terwelp, Alex Wiseman or Brittany Speckhart or e-mail it to indian.wrapup@gmail.com. If your picture is not turned in by the 15th, the picture taken by Churchill Photography will be used.
*Seniors--check the list outside Cindy's room to see who has turned in hours.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
Dates -
- JH Dance is Fri, March 18 from 7-10 pm in the MPR.
- Prom is April 16.
- High School Graduation is Sun, May 22 at 3:00.
- Baccalaureate is Sun, May 15 at 3:00 at Bluff Hall Church.
- The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.