*Lunch for Fri, Feb 11 is chicken fried rice, lo mein noodles, egg rolls, fortune cookies & fruit
*The 8th Grade Basketball team will play tomorrow at 10:00 in the first round of the state tournament. They play Carthage at Mt. Pulaski.
- If they win, they play at 5:00 Saturday night. If they lose, they finish their season with a record of 23-2.
- If they lose the 5:00 game, they play at 6:00 Thurs, Feb 17. If they win the 5:00 game, they play at 7:30 Thurs, Feb 17 for the State Championship
*State t-shirts can still be ordered this morning. You must talk to Kendra by 8:30.
*Sign up for the pep bus to go to state game in Kendra's room - $2.00. It will leave at 7 am on Saturday. There is a parent permission slip that must be signed and returned. You must be signed up by NOON today.
*The Freshmen boys basketball game and 5th/6th grade basketball game scheduled for Saturday morning have been cancelled.
*Freshman--please bring $3.00 to Mr. Carey by today.
*Congratulations to these students who have been named Lifetime members in the Society of Academy Achievement: Jaden Bower, Jade Delcour, Dakota Flesner, Matt Hocking, Ashley Oberling, Brittany Speckhart, Terry Volk, Rebecca Wolf, Austin Zanger. You will be attending a banquet on April 18.
*HS Basketball plays tonight at Griggsville-Perry at 6:00.
*The annual Louisiana weightlifting competition will be March 12. It is open for anybody in grades 8-11. Please sign up by February 18 with your shirt size if you are interested. At Payson, see Coach Asbury. At Unity, see Coach Woodworth or Mr. Klusmeyer.
*The Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is accepting applications. Applications are accepted only at Laborer Local Union Halls on the first Tuesday of each month during designated hours. Visit them on the web at www.illaborers.org.
*Midterms are today & grades will be sent home Tues, Feb 15.
*Freshman--The Backwards raffle tickets are ready. If you plan on selling any please come to Mr. Carey's room and pick up your tickets. I will be gone tomorrow so make sure you get them today if you plan on selling them this weekend. Thanks!
*The JH Dance tonight has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled for a later date.
*The Homecoming Dance will be on Thurs, Feb 17 from 7:00 – 10:00. The Homecoming basketball games against Liberty will be on Sat, Feb 19 beginning at 5:00.
*School will be released at 11:10 on Thurs, Fri 17. There will be no school on Fri, Feb 18 (Teacher Workshop) and Mon, Feb 21 (Presidents Day).
*Our next blood drive is on March 8th. Come sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans for an appointment. Permission slips for 16 year olds are in the office.
*The following students need to see Mr. Smith ASAP about their dues: Dallas Caster, Amy Hill, Breanna Myers, Eric Reid, Gage Ruths, DJ Steffen, Alex Zanger and Cheyanne Slater.
*The junior class still has nine boxes of cookie dough for sale at $15.00 per box. See Mr. Harbourn or Mr. Mast.
*Blue foam fingers with white lettering saying Payson Seymour are now for sale for only $5.00. An example is in the office window. See Mrs. Gilligan if interested.
*The dead week in the summer for athletics is July 17-23.
*Sophomores--Please turn in your community service hours. Check out the office window or the art room door to see who has turned in hours.
*Seniors—Turn in your Churchill Photography form and your Proofs to Mrs. Germann ASAP.
*There will be a hunter safety course at the EMPR on Fri, Feb 18 from 6-10 pm and Sat, Feb 19 from 9 am-4 pm. Lunch will be provided by the VFW. For more information, call 936-2712, 224-0851, 696-4322.
*On Monday, February 21 at 6:00 p.m. the JWCC Agricultural Education Center in Perry is hosting an Ag Careers Night. Contact them for reservations at 641-4558 by February 16th (a meal will be provided).
*Unity's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on March 12. Entry forms are available in the office and are due by Feb 25.
*Juniors & Seniors--Adams Electric Coop is sponosoring an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, June 11-17. Interested students must complete a short answer application. More information is available in the office.