*Lunch for Friday, October the 15th is sloppy joes on a bun, macaroni salad, chips and fruit.
Varsity Football plays tonight at 76 against North Greene.
*Any student who has an Egypt project in Miss Wiedman's class, please pick it up as soon as possible.
*Jonathon Stotler, please turn in your football equipment. Helmet, houlder pads, leg pads, practice jersey and practice pants.
*The magazine sales scratch off tickets will be distributed during lunch one day next week. The lists are posted in the hallways, you can check to see if you will be receiving any.
*Central High School is hosting a dodgeball tournament on November 13th. There is a flyer on the office window with the information.
*Attention band students. The bus will leave for Illinois College in Jacksonville at 7:30 on Saturday morning. Don't forget your black shoes and socks. There will also be flag practice for 30 minutes tonight after school. Practice will start as soon as you are all there and ready to begin.
*Softball meeting will be Tuesday Oct 19.
*Senior group picture will be taken at Rockcliffe Mansion, Hannibal, MO, on Tuesday, October 19. You need to be at the high school by 8:20am. Each senior is asked to wear dark blue jeans (no holes) and solid black or white shirt (no designs or writing on the front). Anyone choosing not to dress in this fashion will not be allowed to be in this photo. An 8 x 10 print of this photo will be available for purchase from the photographer, Carla Lentz at Studio Churchill. Afterwards, we will go to Quincy to eat. We will return to the high school by noon.
*High School Book Club will meet Thurs, Oct 21 to discuss the first 5 chapters of Mockingjay
*Pep Club dues are $2.00 and must be paid by the end of October.
*Art Club dues are $2.00. Please pay them to Harlee Flesner or Matt Mellon by November 3rd.
*Spanish Club dues are $2.00. Please pay to Ashley Oberling by November 3rd.
*The Hannibal High School Expo is scheduled for Tuesday, October 19 from 5:30-7:00pm. It will host many colleges, universities, military, and more. The location will be the cafeteria at Hannibal High School at the north end of the building.
*Our next blood drive is on Oct 26th. If you would like to donate blood, please sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans. You need to be 17 or have a parent permission form. You may pick up the form from Mrs. Rosenkrans.
*There is a sign up sheet in the library for high school students interested in participating in the statewide Read for A Lifetime reading program. For more information, see Ms. Brokaw.
*Homework Haven will be at the Jr/Sr High will be from 3:05-4:05 Monday-Thursday in Mrs. Gilligan's room.
* Students, if you need help setting up a student login on the I NOW program please come to the office and we can help you set it up.
*Students, do you need community service hours or student council points? Then sign up to do Homework Haven at the grade school. This wonderful event happens on Mon - Thurs from 3:05 - 4:05. Sign up in Mrs. Rosenkrans room.*Anybody that needs service hours, see Ms. Wiedman.