*There is a varsity football game tonight at Brown County at 7:00pm.
*Varsity boys golf will play Saturday at the Pittsfield Golf Invitational
*Full band rehearsal today at 3:06 to 3:40 p.m. Marching Indians will march in Barry Apple Festival on Saturday, Oct. 2nd, bus at 11:35, parade starts at 1 p.m. Bring money, black socks and shoes, and don't forget to sign up in band room.
*Anyone who did not get a chance to sign up for Art Club can do so by Monday October 4th. The sign up sheet is on the art room door. This is the absolute last chance.
*The volleyball girls will have their "PINK" game on Tues, Oct. 5th against Pittsfield. They will be selling raffle tickets, t-shirts and cookies to help raise money. Please come support the team and the cause.
*Payson Pride night will be on Weds, Oct 6th at the park. Please come show your support for all our kids. Band members--meet at school around 5:45 to march up to park. Prize to organization with highest percentage in attendance!
*Art Club members need to attend the meeting scheduled for Tuesday Oct. 12th at 7pm in High School.
*The PSAT test will be given to interested juniors on Weds, Oct 13.
*Our next blood drive is on Oct 26th. If you would like to donate blood, please sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans. You need to be 17 or have a parent permission form. You may pick up the form from Mrs. Rosenkrans.
*Pep Club members--$2.00 dues must be paid by the end of October.
*Homework Haven will be at the Jr/Sr High will be from 3:05-4:05 Monday-Thursday in Mrs. Gilligan's room.
* Students, if you need help setting up a student login on the I NOW program please come to the office and we can help you set it up.
*Any student who did not receive a planner, please stop by the office to pick one up.
*Any student who did not receive their student ID, please see Mrs. Germann.
*Students, do you need community service hours or student council points? Then sign up to do Homework Haven at the grade school. This wonderful event happens on Mon - Thurs from 3:05 - 4:05. Sign up in Mrs. Rosenkrans room.
*Anybody that needs service hours, see Ms. Wiedman.
*There will be a flu clinic at the elementary multi-purpose room on October 7. It will be open to the public from 3:30-5:30.