*Lunch for today is a cheeseburger, Dorritos, baked beans, and fruit
*October menus are available in the office.
*Art Club members need to attend the meeting scheduled for Tuesday Oct. 12th at 7pm in High School.
*Students--We will also be posting the announcements on the office window each day.
*The sophomore student who sold a magazine subscription to Nathan Holtschlag, please stop by Mrs. Rosenkrans room ASAP.
*The volleyball girls will have their "PINK" game on Tuesday October, 5th against Pittsfield. They will be selling raffle tickets, t-shirts and cookies to help raise money. Please come support the team and the cause.
*Anyone who did not get a chance to sign up for Art Club can do so by Monday October 4th. The sign up sheet is on the art room door. This is the absolute last chance.
*There are books available in the library for Lane Harmon, Stephanie Nelson, Dakota Ensign, Daulton Speckhart, Gabby Bliss, Jessica Glass.
*A pair of glasses were found in the boys locker room on the sink. If they are yours please come to the office.
*Payson Pride night will be on Weds, Oct 6th at the park. Please come show your support for all our kids.
*There will be a basketball meeting for players that are planning on playing JV and Varsity basketball for the upcoming season on Friday during lunch in Mr. Rea's room. Please bring your lunch. We will be updating important information. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Rea prior to the meeting.
*Boys Varsity Golf will play in the WCC Tournament today at Camp Point. Please release Cody Ash, Bryce Terwelp, Adam Hilgenbrink, Alex Wiseman, Chris Ehrhardt, and Jake Voss @ 10:15am.
*The PSAT test will be given to interested juniors on Weds, Oct 13.
*Our next blood drive is on Oct 26th. If you would like to donate blood, please sign up with Mrs. Rosenkrans. You need to be 17 or have a parent permission form. You may pick up the form from Mrs. Rosenkrans.
*Pep Club members--$2.00 dues must be paid by the end of October.
*Homework Haven will be at the Jr/Sr High will be from 3:05-4:05 Monday-Thursday in Mrs. Gilligan's room.
* Students, if you need help setting up a student login on the I NOW program please come to the office and we can help you set it up.
*Any student who did not receive a planner, please stop by the office to pick one up.
*Any student who did not receive their student ID, please see Mrs. Germann.
*Students, do you need community service hours or student council points? Then sign up to do Homework Haven at the grade school. This wonderful event happens on Mon - Thurs from 3:05 - 4:05. Sign up in Mrs. Rosenkrans room.
*Anybody that needs service hours, see Ms. Wiedman.
*Any 9th-12th grade boys that are planning on playing basketball this season need to see Mr. Rea to pick up an informational packet and handbook as soon as possible. The information includes team shoe ordering, important dates, and a 3-Month schedule of times and events. Please do not wait until the last minute or you will miss important information for you and your parents.
*September is "Read a NEW Book" month at the library. Read one of the books off of the new book shelf and enter your name in a drawing to receive free books, posters and/or bookmarks. Winners will be drawn on Sept 30.
*There will be a flu clinic at the elementary multi-purpose room on October 7. It will be open to the public from 3:30-5:30.
*Full band rehearsal on Friday, Oct. 1st at 3:06 to 3:40 p.m. Marching Indians will march in Barry Apple Festival on Saturday, Oct. 2nd, bus at 11:35, parade starts at 1 p.m. Bring money, black socks and shoes, and don't forget to sign up in band room. Flags rehearsing after school on Wed, Sept. 29th.
*Pride Night Wed. Oct. 6th, meet at school around 5:45 to march up to park. Prize to organization with highest percentage in attendance!