*Lunch for today is Lasagna, Garlic Stix, 7-Layered Salad, Cherry Cheesecake, and Fruit
*We will be having a BLACK-OUT on Friday. Please wear your black Unity-Payson football shirt or any other black apparel to show your support for the boys. There will also be a pep assembly on Friday afternoon at 1:20pm and a Homecoming Parade in Mendon at 5:30.
*High school Volleyball plays tonight here at Payson against Routt at 6:15
*There is an Art Club meeting today.
* Students, if you need help setting up a student login on the I NOW program please come to the office and we can help you set it up.
*There will be a High School Softball meeting today during lunch. Bring your lunch to Miss. Wiedman's room.
*There will be a popsicle social today and again on Thursday during lunch.
*Any student who did not receive a planner, please stop by the office to pick one up.
*Any student who did not receive their student ID, please see Mrs. Germann.
*Flag will be rehearsing after school today & Thurs until 3:50.
*There will be a breakfast for football, volleyball and golf members on Friday at 7:30 am. Coaches and managers are invited also. Pep Club members--sign up in Kendra's room to bring something.
*The Payson Marching Indians will be marching at the Rushville Smiles Day Parade on Fri, Sept 24. Bus time is at 7:45 am. Parade starts at 10:00. We will be eating on the way home, so bring money for McDonalds. Also, do not forget your black socks and totally black shoes. Students must get a prearranged absence form in the office.
*Magazine orders are due this Friday to your class sponsor. Next Tues, Sept 28 is the LAST day to turn them in.
*The Football Homecoming Dance will be held on Sat, Sept 25th at Mendon. Tickets are $10/couple and $6/individual. The dance is from 8-11. All Payson High School students are invited. You must have your school ID and if your date is from another school, you will need a dance request form from the office.Your date must also have a photo ID to get into the dance.
*We will be starting homework haven at the Jr/Sr High today. If anyone is interested in staying please let Mr. Mosely know. It will be from 3:05-4:05 Monday-Thursday.
*Seniors--have your $13 for your senior tshirt turned in by Monday, Sept 27.
*Books are available in the library for: Bryson Kramer, Dakota Weise, Lane Harmon, Brekken Flesner, Coltan Wietholder, Jared Jones
*Pep Club members--$2.00 dues must be paid by the end of October.
*Students – check out the Puzzler-Of-The-Weekend on Mr. Page’s website. Correct answers will be entered in a drawing for a prize!
*Students, do you need community service hours or student council points? Then sign up to do Homework Haven at the grade school. This wonderful event happens on Mon - Thurs from 3:05 - 4:05. Sign up in Mrs. Rosenkrans room.
*Anybody that needs service hours, see Ms. Wiedman.
*Any 9th-12th grade boys that are planning on playing basketball this season need to see Mr. Rea to pick up an informational packet and handbook as soon as possible. The information includes team shoe ordering, important dates, and a 3-Month schedule of times and events. Please do not wait until the last minute or you will miss important information for you and your parents.
*The PSAT test will be given to interested juniors on Weds, Oct 13.
*September is "Read a NEW Book" month at the library. Read one of the books off of the new book shelf and enter your name in a drawing to receive free books, posters and/or bookmarks. Winners will be drawn on Sept 30.