*Lunch for Fri, Jan 11 is a cookout
*HS Book Club will meet today during HS lunch to discuss the first two chapters of "Unwind*.
*Today is the last day to change your schedule.
*JH Volleyball plays tomorrow in the Rushville 8th grade tournament. Bus at 7:15 am.
*The following students need to take a math qualifying test for WYSE Academic Challenge in Mr. Smith's room after school: Billy Coonrod, Dalton Edwards, Gage Klitz, Bryson Kramer, Scott Lentz, Emily Mast, Matt Mellon, Luke Merritt, Audrey Zanger. If you can not take the test on either of those two days, please speak with Mr. Smith ASAP.
*Our next Blood Drive is scheduled for Weds, Jan 16. If you wish to donate blood, see Mrs. Germann ASAP. Student Council Members - see Mr. Degarmo to schedule hours to work.
*Letterman Club will be hosting the Homecoming Dance in three weeks, on Feb 2 . Date Permission slips will be in the office. Please stop by if you plan on bringing someone from another school.
*The Dance Team is holding a dance camp on Sat, Jan 19 for grades PK-6. Forms are in the office if you know of any girl interested.
*The Senior class is selling window decals for $8.00. Order forms are in the office and are due by Jan 18.
*There will be a Prom dress resale in Palmyra MO on Fri, Jan 25 and Sat, Jan 26. For more information, check the flyer on the office window.
*Birthdays tomorrow Zach Liggett & Paige Schullian; Birthdays on Sunday - Abby Cookson